Wednesday, November 14, 2012

PHASE 4 - 'New Souk'

The new souk is mixed-use with commercial/retail/service/entertainment mainly on ground level and multifamily housing on second or third level. This area serves the community as a market place combined with amenities for different group of people.
Focus Area Plan
The wadi is extended from the central park, and runs throughout the souk. Landscaping along the wadi would be watered by the living machine. The wadi creates a green corridor within the area and provides numerous of intimate spaces for souk customers and residents. Also, the wadi is a restoration of natural drainage which would direct and absorb flood water during flooding period, avoid pollutants by reducing pollution deposition, and recreate riparian habitats for wildlife etc.

Hundreds of new businesses would be set up in the new souk which bring new employments to the whole Al Hamriya area. The operation of small and local businesses not only returns money to the community by hiring local workers and using local resources, and would greatly encourages walkability which promotes sustainability. 

Overview of Plaza
Perspective of souk

Perspective of Souk

Overview of Plaza

Node 2 Plan
Node 3 Plan

Typical Street Plan
Souq Elevation
Node 2 Section
Master Plan

Wastewater Analysis

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