Monday, November 12, 2012

PHASE 4 - Central Park

Focus Area Plan
Since that this area is considered to be the lung of the Al-Hamriyah area; the concept focuses on having variety of open spaces to be used by different users.
The main element that shapes the park and gives its characteristics is the Wadi “wash” that flow all over the site and it is more recognized in the park itself. It supports the adjacent open spaces, cafés and restaurants around it by creating nice views and comfortable micro-climates. It is supported by native trees along the slope.

 Women have a dedicated portion of this park, a  plaza that has certain criteria to make the Arabic Omani women comfortable to sit there and enjoy her time.
The hierarchy of the function of the park varies from the playgrounds, to sitting area along the Wadi, to open plazas, unified by using local material, native plants and shading devices.

Overview of Area 
The Wadi reappears in this park and becomes one of the main organizing features. During rains, water will be moving through the space, during other times, the wadi may be dry or have small amount of standing water. 

 Area Plan showing major organization of the site - football field, wadi and women's plaza next to the mosque. 
Section of Wadi and buildings. Landscape and shade structures create nice places to sit, and 

Section showing the variety of landscapes and activities in the central park.
A mixed use building on the edge of the park will have several functions and work as a community center. It will include cafe's a library, and an internet shop.

A small plaza in front of the community center.

This perspective shows the women plaza at the edge of the central park, where plant screening and arcades played an important role in making the place more enclosed

a view showing the community center with cafe' in the ground floor, overlooking the Wadi that walk through the site. and it shows different experiences along the wadi to enjoy it

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